You can use your account credit to purchase an acclux account package. Usually your account credit amount comes from a gift card or an offer from acclux team. During the purchase process you can use all the amount you have or you can enter the amount you want to use. To use your credit accoun...
Once you are ready to upgrade your free trial, you can purchase acclux accounting subscription. Buy acclux accouting subscription 1. Login to your acclux accounting account. 2. Go to your Account section from the upper right icon on your acclux accounting window. 3. Under t...
Acclux accounting promotional offers and gift cards are valid for acclux accounting customers to purchase acclux accounting packages or users. To Redeem a promotional code: 1. Login to your acclux accounting account. 2. Go to your Account section from the upper right icon on your acclu...
If you didn't receive an account activation email to the address you entered during the setup of acclux accounting account, double-check your spam or junk folder. If the email didn’t arrive, please contact acclux support team and you will be provided with the activation email immed...
After signing up for acclux 14-day free trial, you can upgrade at any time, just follow the following steps: Sign in into your acclux account with your username and password Go to the account setting page, in the left lower corner there are three buttons which are meant f...
It is so easy to sign up for acclux. Just follow the following steps: Go to acclux accounting sign up and enter the required information, and then click the get started button. Note: You can also access this page by clicking on the sign up in the right upper cor...