Company setting is a list of information about your company to be used in your invoices, report, emails and invoice portal.
Company name: | your company's legal name. |
Owner name: | Company's owner name. |
Address 1: | your business's address information. |
Address 2: | Use this field if you want to add more details of your address. |
City: | your company'a city. |
State/ Province: | your company's state or province. |
Country/ Region name: | your company's country or region. |
Phone : | your company's phone. |
Fax: | your company's fax. |
Email: | your company email( this email will be used as the sender email when you send emails to your clients through Acclux. |
Website: | your company's website. |
Date Format: | Your date format setting, choose MDY for (mm/dd/yyyy) format or choose DMY for (dd/mm/yyyy) format. |
Currency Code(3 digits): | Select your company's currency from the list of supported currencies by acclux accounting. |
Currency Symbol: | Your currency Symbol. |