Creating and Duplicating Projects

Creating a project in acclux accounting is one of the first steps to getting started. After you create a new project, you’ll be able to create its tasks, follow project progress and invoice the project tasks.

Creating new project

  • Go to Projects section then go to Projects list.
  • Click on New

  • Enter the project details in the following details:
    Project name: add a project name.
    Client name: select the client name.
    Description : add a project description.
    Status: select the project status.
    Due date: select project due date.
    Estimated cost: enter the estimated cost of the project.
    Estimated fees: (read only field) calculate the total of the project's tasks estimated fees.
    Actual cost: (read only field) calculate the actual cost of the project. Project cost is assigned from record expense .
    Actual fees: (read only field) calculate the total of the project's tasks actual fees.
  • Click Save if you want to save the project and return to projects list.
  • Click Save/ Task if you want to save the project and add new project tasks.

Duplicating project

  • While you are in the Projects section, Click on Duplicate button

  • A confirmation message will appear
  • After you confirm, your projects and its related tasks will be duplicated
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