How to invoice my tasks

With acclux accounting, you can invoice your tasks and its logs to your clients.

To  invoice youe tasks:
1. Go to invoices section, the click on New
2. Add invoice main details.
3. Enter the invoice information in the following details:

Contact name: select the contact name (required field).
Project name: select the project name of the selected contact name, add a project name if the invoice is related to one of your projects.
PO number: add the PO number of the invoice.
No: (read only) an invoice number generated automatically.
Issue date: add the issue date of the invoice.
Due date: add the due date of the invoice.
Terms: a rich field to add the terms of the field.
Sub total: (read only) the total amount of the invoice before that taxes.
Tax: (read only) the total amount of the invoice taxes.
Total: (read only) the total amount of the invoice after the taxes.

4. Add Tasks to your invoice by click on the Add Task Button.

5. A list of selected project's task will pop up, select the task you want to add then click Ok

6. Add Your terms then click Save.

After you successfully created and saved your invoice, you can either print it, export to PDF or email it to your client.

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