How to manage 1099 Category List?

In the 1099 Category list, you can add or edit a 1099 category. The 1099 category list reflects the categories on the 1099-MISC forms that you send at tax time to vendors that you have designated as 1099 vendors on the Vendor form.

Note: To place a vendor in a 1099 category, select the Vendor 1099 check box on the Vendor form.

To Manage 1099 Categories:
1. Go to Settings > 1099 Category List
2. In the Manage 1099 Category List Add or Edit the list.

Option Type Description
1099 category name Required Type or edit the 1099 category name.
Threshold Optional Type the threshold for this category. The threshold is an amount set by the federal government. If you pay a vendor an amount equal to or greater than the threshold, you need to send a 1099-MISC form to a 1099 vendor at tax time. For example, if the threshold is $700.00, you would be required to send a 1099-MISC form to a 1099 vendor if you have paid them at least $700.00 in the calendar year.

Note: To ensure that the 1099 information on your 1099 Detail and 1099 Summary reports is accurate, review the information in the chart of account.

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