By acclux team September 15 , 2014![](/f/blog/acclux_the_power_of_your_wrist.png)
Let's face it, Smart Watches are popular, masses are talking about smart watches all over the net. It's the new trend. Many companies like Samsung, Motorola have their versions of smart watch and last week, Apple announced their own version of the smart watch with a lot of interesting and cool features that takes the smart watch to brand new level. Microsoft will have their own too.
What’s becoming interesting about the smart watch, it’s not the worried and a big gadget that’s straggling around your wrist any more, it’s become more stylish and ready to wear watch that all people can endure. It’s like your normal watch, but with a lot functionally that can transform how you are normally doing things.
Smart watches functionally are increasing every day, Today, you can do many things that a smart phone is doing with no need to carry your phone all the time, beside the fitness app and music, you can receive notifications of emails, social media and news and there’s more and more apps and ideas are continuously added.
From the business side of view, imagine how the smart watch can make your daily tasks much easier, you will be able to easily track your time, get notified when customers pay an invoice or make a sale, and get connected with your team and how what they are working. The options are endless.
Thats what acclux apps will help you to do in the upcoming months, you will be mange your business from your wrist! From financial view, project management and time tracking view you will have it all in your watch. We are currently working very hard to introduce a new way of doing business with smooth and great experience you will adore.
Soon or later you will find yourself in the middle of this wave, so why not to enjoy it from the very start!