With Acclux Accounting & Stamps.com integration, you can easily print international & demotic labels with the best shipping rates.
Search your print history and view all your transactions with stamps.com without leaving Acclux Accounting Interface.
Buy stamps.com postages and check your balance directly from Acclux Accounting. Also, you can request a refund or issue insurance claim .
Acclux Accounting adapts stamps.com look and feel to bring you the same familiar experience you have with stamps.com.
Clean addresses, select best insurance rate, hiding postage value and all the functionalities you love in stamps.com is available to you in Acclux.
To use the Stamps.com and Acclux Accounting Integration, you will need to be a registered Stamps.com customer. If you are a current customer, you can simply connect your stamps.com account from acclux accounting software
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